Contact Us! (781) 205-0540
Definitely, and it would have been different faster. And, in a startup world, faster is key.
In startups, you need to move fast, change fast, make decisions fast, fail fast, get back in the saddle fast… You get my drift.
In startup sales, it’s also all about fast – Close fast, change pricing models fast, get leads fast, hire great salespeople fast, and double revenue fast.
The startup world is often going at breakneck speed. If you don’t want to risk breaking your neck, here are some tips to consider:
Running a startup is also about risk assessment: What your product or services look like, calculating your TAM (Total Addressable Market), your percentage of said market, when and who to hire (and sometimes fire), GTM strategy, vertical or cross-vertical sales focus, etc. The list is long. Not endless, but long.
Don’t have only one product or one service. Create variations of it. Price them differently. Have different targets.
Learn from your mistakes quickly. Don’t brood over them and fall into a pit of despair. Brush it off; try another angle. Hire very carefully and fire quickly if it doesn’t work. There are no long grace periods in startups. It’s a tough world, and it’s not for everyone.
Then, FOCUS. Focus intensely. You can’t be everything to everyone. Find your targets and use laser focus to land new customers. Don’t run after every deal. Some deals are not a good fit. Be prepared to walk away if you bump into one of those. It will serve you well.
Find a sector or a niche that you can either own or be a major player in. Use the FAST process and gain traction in that sector. Celebrate your wins and learn from your losses. It’s a new day tomorrow!
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Monday - Friday: 9:00 am - 5:00 pm Eastern Time
Saturday - Sunday: Closed